Jl. Matahari No.3, Majenang, Jawa Tengah

Room Cleaning

Home/Services Detailed

Cleanliness is the key to good mood. Book your room cleaning at a discount!

Looking for something special? We bring to your attention a modern and very comfortable deluxe room. Prestigious room with two rooms, bathroom and toilet. Cozy and comfortable furniture, air conditioning, double bed for adults and two separate beds for children. Everything you need to relax your family!

This luxurious room has all the advantages and features – this is the pride of our hotel. Great technique, lighting and flooring. The room is cleaned, disinfected and ready to receive new guests. Perfect cleanliness, fresh air and a beautiful balcony overlooking the central park of the city. You can reserve this number using the booking form or by calling the hotline.

Dry cleaning
Very thorough express cleaning of your room. Duration of cleaning is 30 minutes.
Wet cleaning
This type of cleaning is the most important. It is possible to conduct twice a day.
We wash clothes and replace bedding. The frequency is up to you.
Ironing of clothes and clothes. Order the service through the form.

Perhaps here you will find the answer

What is included in the list of wet and dry cleaning?

The price of adjustment depends on the required time of a specialist. Thus, the larger the semantic core of queries and the larger the campaign itself, the more time it will be necessary to spend on its launch, which will accordingly affect the cost of customization.

What is the cost of services and how can I make an order?

The price of adjustment depends on the required time of a specialist. Thus, the larger the semantic core of queries and the larger the campaign itself, the more time it will be necessary to spend on its launch, which will accordingly affect the cost of customization.

What things can I do laundry and ironing?

The price of adjustment depends on the required time of a specialist. Thus, the larger the semantic core of queries and the larger the campaign itself, the more time it will be necessary to spend on its launch, which will accordingly affect the cost of customization.

Is there a cleaning service schedule?

The price of adjustment depends on the required time of a specialist. Thus, the larger the semantic core of queries and the larger the campaign itself, the more time it will be necessary to spend on its launch, which will accordingly affect the cost of customization.

In touch 24/7




Jl. Matahari No.3,
Majenang, Jawa Tengah



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